I’m Angel, mama to Sebastian. No work in the world for me is more important than ushering this consciousness from the womb through life. And he keeps me humble, that’s for sure.

Out in the world, I co-founded Death Over Dinner and Drugs Over Dinner; both platforms have reached across the globe. I recently wrote and hosted events for Roundglass. I served as Co-founder of Yoga in Common in coastal SC and, since 2010, have led teacher trainings focused on emotional and somatic intelligence, always circling back to non-dual awareness. Way back in 2011, I created The Yoga Bus and traveled the country with my two dogs living in an RV I helped build from the ground up. The focus was healing traumas in populations with little access to support. I furthered this work in South Africa in 2012 via TRIAD Trust, an organization centered on HIV education and prevention, in a region believed to have a 40% infection rate. I’ve engaged extensively with at-risk youth in the U.S., from creating a yoga program in a socio-economically challenged school to teaching meditation while living in a national forest for wilderness therapy.

I’m thankful to have worked alongside Dr. Gabor Maté in trauma-healing retreats utilizing plant medicine and his method of Compassionate Inquiry. This work continues to ripple out into everything I do.

I now lead programs and am a high level coach, often for those who have reached the top of their game and realize something still feels missing. I speak and teach on how to face death + dying as a means to live fully; how to navigate and heal the root beneath addiction; how to integrate past traumas, and how to restore authenticity + purpose and live in intimate relationship with it.

I chose a non-traditional path for my life and work, to understand, and heal, the root of suffering. To go a step further, and transmute pain into power. Because I have gone deeply and repeatedly into the center of my own darkness (and light), my capacity to walk with you through yours is vast and steady.

The thread that runs through my life and work - whether with death and dying, addiction, trauma healing / attachment, or cultivating awareness - is the intention to reduce the perception of distance between us. Between self and other. Between self and Self.

Featured Teaching, Meditations, and Speaking Events:

The Dalai Lama’s 80th birthday gathering with Peak Mind Foundation,

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s Facing Addiction in America Summit,

Science and Nonduality’s Dying and Living Conference,

NY Academy of Medicine with Lab/Shul,


Conscious Dying Summit at Harbin Hot Springs,

Newport Academy,

Summit Series,

Sex, God & Yoga Conference,

The Puget Sound Zen Center,

Women's Summit at the Institute of OM,

Women Teach Men,

ReImagine at San Francisco's Grace Cathedral,

and The Shift Network’s Psychedelic Healing Summit.